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Event Schedule



All other Powers Fitness Events, general schedule appears below:


*Estimated time: Time will depend upon the number of categories and number of athletes per category.

Estimated Time Activity


 *LPC Event Team set up / decorations

 *Athlete Registration (12:00PM - 2:00PM)

 *Vendor Set Up (12:00PM - 2:00PM)

2:00PM Vendor/Event Set Up is Complete

3:00 PM Doors Open to Public

 *DJ plays loud music as guests arrive and find their seats

 *Vendors open for business

2:00 PM Athletes and Judges Meetings

3:00 PM Introductions

 *MC introduces self

 *MC introduces Lauren Powers to say a few words: Wish luck to athletes and thank sponsors

 *National Anthem (5 minutes)

 *MC provides an overview of Run of Show by directing the audience to Run of Show Posters

3:00 PM Run of Show

 *Teen's Physique (Open) Guest Instructor and Trophy Presenters:

 *Men's Bodybuilding (Masters) 

 *Men's Bodybuilding (Open) Guest Trophy Presenter: Swat Fuel

 *Men's Bodybuilding (Overall) 2 Raffles 

 *Women's Bodybuilding (Masters) Guest Trophy Presenter:

 *Women's Bodybuilding (Open) 

 *Women's Bodybuilding (Overall) 2 Raffles 

 *Men's Physique (Masters) 

 *Men's Physique (Open) 

 *Men's Classic Physique (Open) 

 *Men's Physique (Overall) 2 Raffles 

 *Women's Physique (Masters) 

 *Women's Physique (Open) Guest Trophy Presenter: Swat Fuel

 *Women's Physique (Overall) 

 *Mixed Pairs (Fun) 2 Raffles 

 *Women's Figure (Masters) 

 *Women’s Figure (Open) 

 *Women's Figure (Overall) 2 Raffles 

 *Women's Fitness/Acrobatics (Fun) 

 *Men's Sport Model (Fun )Guest Trophy Presenter:

 *Women's Sport Model (Fun) 

 *Women’s Pinup Bikini (Fun) 

 *Men's Inked & Ripped (Fun) 2 Raffles 

 *Women's Inked & Ripped (Fun) Guest Trophy Presenters:

 *Evening Gowns (Fun) 

 *Physically Challenged (Fun) 2 Raffles 

 *Women's Bikini (Masters) 

 *Women's Bikini Novice (Open) 

 *Women's Bikini Under 5' 2" Short (Open) 

 *Women's Bikini 5' 3" - 5' 6" Medium (Open) 

 *Women's Bikini Over 5' 7" Tall (Open) 

 *Women's Bikini (Overall) 

 *Fit Moms (Fun) 

8:00 PM* CLOSE BY LAUREN POWERS, Guest Instructor and Trophy Presenters:

 *Make closing comments: Thank audience, athletes, and invite Lauren Powers to the stage for final words 

 *HARD STOP: Venue is Closed 

  Everyone and everything must be out of the venue 

 *Venue is inspected for cleanliness and damage

2018 Copyright Lauren Powers 

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